Feb 10, 2013


Hey guys,

Sometimes you do so much for your hair and you still have hair problems. It happens when you don't take the correct basic hair care. By basic hair care, I mean shampoo and conditioner.

If you are not using the correct hair product you may have all the possible hair problems. Wrong hair products can damage your scalp or can make your scalp sensitive. Also it is good to switch over different brands.

Step 1 Know your scalp? Is it dry, oily or normal.
Step 2 What's your hair type?
Step 3 What are your hair concerns?

  1. Oily scalp + oily hair = Shampoo for oily hair follow with the same conditioner
  2. Dry scalp + dry hair = Shampoo & conditioner for dry hair
  3. Normal scalp+ normal hair = Shampoo & conditioner for normal hair
  4. Oily scalp + normal hair = Shampoo for oily hair + conditioner for normal hair ( Conditioner for oily hair may lead to greasy, volume less hair) 
  5. Oily scalp + dry hair = Shampoo for oily scalp + Conditioner for dry hair to give necessary moisture to hair strands. 
  6. Normal scalp + dry hair = Shampoo for dry hair +  Conditioner for dry hair.
  7. Dry scalp + normal hair = Shampoo for dry hair + Conditioner for normal hair.
I hope this will help you choosing the right product and following correct basic hair care regimen. Make sure that you use shampoo and conditioner from the same brand.


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  1. how can one know what kinda scalp they have..??

    1. If your hair gets sticky fast than you have oily scalp. Determining dry scalp is very easy. Dandruff and dry hair symbolize dry scalp. If you have none of these... congrats you have normal hair and scalp.

  2. Perfect combination.It helped me alot.Thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
