Dec 5, 2012


Hello everyone,

Skincare is not limited to face care or body care, you can not  forget your lips. Dry layered lips with an uneven surface is one the worst beauty turn down.

What is a lip scrub?
Just like facial scrubs and body scrubs, lip scrub removes the dead cells, exfoliates lips gently and leave them soft, pink and smooth. Thus you get a perfect pink rosy lips to flaunt. You can't use facial scrubs on lips because they are harsh for lips. Rather then doing good they will do bad.

I have shown the homemade lip scrub in the picture below.

To prepare the scrub you need the following ingredients:
  • Vaseline lip care or petroleum jelly
  • Honey
  • Sugar
  • A small jar


Take one part of honey, 1 part of Vaseline and 1 part of sugar. Mix all of these well. And store it in a jar. Your sweet lip scrub is ready.

Apply generous amount of lip scrub on your lips. Gently rub in circular motions for few minutes and then wash it.

See the difference between the picture below. In the 'after scrubbing' picture, lips look more smooth and hydrated. I can bet you that this one is as good as Lush Lip scrub.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial

Good luck

Of course please subscribe

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  1. I m using this scrub for few days daily without vaseline. After scrubbing apply boroline but the moment i wash my lips it gets dry,i also apply boroline overnite. What to do?please help.

    1. 1st: you are using it without vaseline
      2nd: boroline doesn't heal very dry lips. It can protect them from becoming dry.

  2. Lip balms makes lips more darker so,What to use instead of boroline?

    1. Apply mustard oil in your bellybutton. It won't let your lips dry. Or apply clarifies butter (ghee) on lips.
