Dec 25, 2012


Hi all,

Between the holiday shopping, the boozing it up at cocktail parties, and the endless entertaining of out of town guests, you're probably due a little alone time. These do-at-home beauty treatments are just what you need to relax and recharge.

Hair. Dry winter air (and even dryer indoor heating!) can leave hair parched and brittle. To restore moisture, try a thick, oil-based hair mask. Comb a generous dollop through dry strands, pile hair into a lose bun on the top of your head, and cover with a shower cap. Blast it with a blow dryer for a few seconds (the heat helps oils penetrate), let it sit for at least ten minutes, then rinse and shampoo.
Face. Lizard-like skin is a sign you need to exfoliate and moisturize—stat. Start with a peel, then slather on a a rich cream formulated with hyaluronic acid. When I say slather, I'm serious—you want nice thick layer of moisture over your entire face. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then blot off the excess with a tissue.

Feet. After hours of dancing—in four-inch heels—your tired feet will need some serious pampering. Start with a soak—the Epsom salts soothe sore feet while warming cardamom, cinnamon, and clove oils improve circulation. Then slather on a thick cream, slip your tootsies into a pair of cozy socks, and put them up. That's right, sit back and relax.


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